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taxes payable

No form of personal, corporate, withholding or value added tax is applicable In Bahrain. There is no personal tax except municipal tax of 10% on the monthly rental of residential and business property. In addition, a 5% government levy on gross turnover is imposed on hotel services and entertainment.

Customs (import) duties are generally levied at a rate of 5% but there are many items such as medicines, most food products, capital goods and raw material for industries which are exempt from duty. After implementation of the new uniform customs tariff which became effective on 1 January 2003, all non-Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) products, except for those exempted, are subject to 5% customs duty. However, the products of the GCC countries shall enter into each others' markets free of customs duties.

满足下列条件之一的商品将被视为GCC商品:一、商品在GCC成员国的附加值超过商品总价值的40%。二 、加工商品企业的51%以上的股权是GCC成员国所有。
Products are considered as originating in a GCC country if the value added to such product in the said country is more than 40% of the value of the product in question and if the factory that manufactured the product is at least 51% owned by GCC nationals.

In the event of re-export to non-GCC countries, a customs deposit has to be made and this will be refunded when proof of re-export is given to the authorities. In the event of re-export to GCC countries, customs duty at 5% will be levied at the first point of entry. The provisions of the GCC Customs Union, which was implemented from 1 January 2003, will be applicable.

The Free Trade agreed between Bahrain and the US was signed on 14 September 2004 in the Kingdom. Bahrain has entered into avoidance of double taxation treaties with several countries, notably Egypt, Singapore, France, Thailand, Morocco, Algeria, China, Syria, Jordan, Yemen, Lebanon and Belarus.

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巴林公司怎么注册? 巴林岛税收指南 注册离岸公司 注册海外公司 巴林


灵敏钢琴 发起了问题 • 2023-05-09 15:23 • 1 人关注 • 5131 次浏览

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注册巴林公司所具备的优势与资料 离岸 注册海外公司 注册离岸公司 巴林岛税收指南 巴林


卓志张 发起了问题 • 2021-10-19 15:23 • 2 人关注 • 10287 次浏览

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2022年1月1日起 巴林上调增值税标准税率至10% 巴林 巴林岛税收指南

近日,巴林部长理事会已批准将增值税的标准税率从5%提高到10%,并自 2022年1 月1日起生效。

goden 发起了问题 • 2021-09-30 15:44 • 2 人关注 • 8960 次浏览
