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Belize Tax Guide 2011

a. Taxes payable



On 1 July 1998, income tax on the profits or net earnings of companies and selfemployed persons was replaced by a new tax, named ‘business tax’, which is a tax on gross receipts. The tax is charged as a percentage of gross receipts, without any deductions, and is declared and paid each month to the Tax Department. The rates vary according to the source of the income and range from 0.75% in respect of receipts from radio, on-air television and newspaper business to 25% in respect of management fees, rental of plant and equipment, and charges for technical services paid to a non-resident.

Effective 1 January 1999, income tax on business profits was reintroduced but revised so that it could co-exist with the business tax. The corporate income tax rate was reduced from its former level of 35% to 25%. The business tax paid is now considered to be a credit towards income tax payable with any excess paid being carried forward as an expense to the next basis (tax) year, provided that an income tax return is duly filed with the Commissioner of Income Tax. Where the business tax paid is less than the income tax payable, the excess is to be treated as taxes foregone by the Commissioner, provided that an income tax return is duly filed. Tax returns are to be filed with the Belize Tax Administration (Income Tax Department), within three months after the close of the taxpayer's fiscal year.

When filing an income tax return, the taxpayer (other than a company engaged in petroleum operations) has an option to 'accept the business tax assessed'. This choice is made by ticking a window on the income tax return form. The business tax paid for the year is then considered to be the tax payable for the year, subject to agreement by the Tax Department. The tax return is then completed simply by signing the Certification section. There is no need to provide financial statements and any additional supporting schedules to support the tax return submitted. Where losses are incurred, the taxpayer can elect not to accept the business tax and submit a full return which would include financial statements and supporting schedules, with a view to having the losses agreed and relief obtained in the form of tax credits against future business taxes due.

With effect from 1 January 2006, the rate of income tax for companies engaged in petroleum operations was increased from 25% to 40%. Such companies cannot opt to pay business tax instead of income tax.

Further amendments were made to the Income and Business Tax to introduce a petroleum surcharge on revenues derived from petroleum operations, to facilitate tax information exchange agreements with other countries, to abolish the withholding tax on royalties and commissions paid to non-residents and to vary the rates of business tax on casinos, commissions, real estate business and utilities.


2006年7月1日起,现行的“销售税”被废除并被一般销售税(GST)所取代。一般销售税是一种有效的增值税,供应链中的每个环节税收都应支付,投入品产生的税收可以通过企业向纳税品消费者收取一般销售税来补偿。从一般销售税目的来说,“业务”有一个非常广泛的含义,并可以包括没有利润的活动。 “应税供应”是指由一个企业或被促进企业提供的商品和/或服务的供应。因此,供应若不是免税的,这就是一个应税供应。
Effective 1 July 2006, the 'sales tax' which was in force was repealed and replaced by a general sales tax (GST). GST is effectively a value added tax, with tax becoming payable at each stage in the supply chain and with tax incurred on inputs being recoverable by offset against GST charged by a business to customers on taxable supplies. For GST purposes, "business" has a very wide meaning and can include activities on which no profit is made. "Taxable supply" is a supply of goods and/or services made in the course of, or furtherance of, any business. Therefore, where a supply is not specifically exempted it will be a taxable supply.

Effective 1 April 2010, the rate of GST was increased from 10% to 12.5%. Exempt supplies of goods and services include:

• some financial services and gambling supply

• some supply of goods and services by an educational institution within the meaning of the Education Act

• medical, dental, hospital, optical and paramedical services, other than veterinary services and cosmetic surgery

• supply of residential accommodation or accommodation in a hotel or similar establishment

• public postal services, domestic public transport of passengers, lease of aircraft and maintenance services in connection with the supply of public air transport

• international transport of passengers or goods

• some supplies of services provided to diplomatic missions, international and regional organizations

• goods and services provided to the Government of Belize.

Providers of exempt goods and services are not allowed to charge GST to customers and cannot recover any GST paid on inputs.

Taxable supplies are zero-rated, that is the tax rate is 0%, or standard-rated with a tax rate of 12.5% effective from 1 April 2010.

Zero-rated items include:

• exported goods and services

• some food items for human consumption, water supply (other than bottled water) and some medicines and medical supplies for human use

• some items and supplies for use in education

• some supplies connected with agriculture, livestock, birds and fish, crustaceans and molluscs.

Items not specifically exempted or zero-rated are considered to be standard-rated.


These include:

• Stamp duty on certain transactions, including the transfer of property

• Land and property taxes

• Trade licence, motor vehicle licence and other taxes charged by local authorities

• Customs, excise and other taxes charged by the Customs and Excise Department.

G. exchange control

The Foreign Exchange Control Act provides that only the Central Bank of Belize and authorised dealers may deal in foreign currencies.

A foreign exchange permit must first be obtained from the Central Bank to pay for goods and services procured outside Belize.

Central Bank approval is also required to secure a loan outside Belize denominated in a foreign currency.

f. withholding taxes

付给非居民的股利的15%,超过BZ $ 3,000的总合同款项的3%
Dividends paid to non-residents 15% Gross contract payments in connection with contracts exceeding BZ$3,000 3%

Interest paid to non-residents 15%

管理费,厂房及设备租赁费和向非居民支付的技术服务收费的 25%
Management fees, rental of plant and equipment and charges for technical services paid to non-residents 25%

Effective 1 January 2011, dividends paid to shareholders by entities licensed to provide telecommunication services that offer real time voice services are exempt from tax.

H. personal tax

Effective 1 January 2010, employed persons resident in Belize are allowed a basic deduction of

(a)在一个受雇人员一年各种来源的总收入不超过BZ$ 26,000的情况下,允许扣除BZ$ 25,600
(a) BZ$25,600 in the case of an employed person whose total income, from all sources in a basis year, does not exceed BZ$26,000

(b)在一个受雇人员一年各种来源的总收入超过BZ$ 26,000但不超过BZ$ 27,000的情况下,允许扣除BZ$ 24,600
(b) BZ$24,600 in the case of an employed person whose total income, from all sources in a basis year, exceeds BZ$26,000 but does not exceed BZ$27,000

(c)在一个受雇人员一年各种来源的总收入超过BZ$ 27,000但不超过BZ$ 29,000的情况下,允许扣除BZ$ 22,600
(c) BZ$22,600 in the case of an employed person whose total income, from all sources in a basis year, exceeds BZ$27,000 but does not exceed BZ$29,000 and

(d) BZ$19,600 in the case of all other employed persons. There are no other deductions in ascertaining chargeable income except for allowable charitable donations which is restricted to one-sixth part of the chargeable income.

The rate of tax on chargeable income is a flat rate of 25%, with a standard tax credit deduction of BZ$100 available to all residents.

Double tax relief is available to some non-residents, particularly residents of the UK and residents of most CARICOM countries.

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