赞同来自: liupu139
填表须知 表格NAA1
- 公司在符合《公司条例》第88 条的规定下,可修改其章程细则。在修改的生效日期后的15 日内,公司须将关于该项修改的通知,以本表格交付公司注册处处长(「处长」) 登记。
- 如公司的章程细则的任何条文或公司的章程细则的任何条文的效力,被原讼法庭命令修改,该公司亦须在该项修改生效的日期后的15日内,将关于该项修改的通知,以本表格交付处长登记。
- 如以中文申报本表格内的数据,请用繁体字。以手写方式填写的表格或不会被公司注册处接纳。
- 请提供提交人数据。除非有特别事项需要公司注册处注意,否则无须另加附函。
- 你可邮寄本表格到「香港金钟道66号金钟道政府合署14楼公司注册处」,或亲身到上址交付。如以邮寄方式交付表格而处长并没有收到该表格的话,则该表格不会视作曾为遵从《公司条例》中有关条文的规定而交付处长。
6 . 本表格必须由一名董事或公司秘书签署,公司注册处不接纳未签妥的表格。
章程细则的修改 (第2项)
7 . (a) 公司在交付本表格时,须连同该公司经修改的章程细则的文本一并交付,该文本须由该公司的一名高级人员核证为正确。
(b) 如公司的章程细则被原讼法庭命令修改,公司在交付本表格时,须随附有关命令的正式文本,及经该命令修改的章程细则的文本。如有关公司已根据《公司条例》的另一条文将有关命令的正式文本交付处长,则无须再次交付有关命令。
(Other than alteration of company’s objects and certain articles by existing company)
For the purposes of sections 88 and 96 of Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622)
Notes for Completion of Form NAA1
- Subject to section 88 of the Companies Ordinance, a company may alter its articles of association. The company must deliver to the Registrar of Companies (the Registrar) for registration a notice of the alteration in this form within 15 days after the date on which the alteration takes effect.
- If any provision of a company’s articles, or the effect of any provision of a company’s articles, is altered by an order of the Court, the company must, within 15 days after the date on which the alteration takes effect, deliver to the Registrar for registration a notice of the alteration in this form.
- Traditional Chinese characters should be used if the form is completed in Chinese. Please note that handwritten forms may be rejected by the Companies Registry.
- Please complete the Presentor’s Reference. Unless the presentor needs to raise a specific issue for the attention of the Companies Registry, no covering letter is required.
- This form can be delivered by post or in person to "The Companies Registry, 14th floor, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong". If the form is delivered by post but the Registrar has not received it, the form will not be regarded as having been delivered to the Registrar in satisfaction of the relevant provision of the Companies Ordinance.
6 . This form must be signed by a director or the company secretary. A form which is not properly signed will be rejected by the Companies Registry.
Alteration of Articles (Section 2)
7 . (a) This form should be delivered with a copy of the company’s articles as altered which is certified by an officer of the company as correct.
(b) If the company’s articles are altered by an order of the Court, this form must be accompanied by an office copy of the order and a copy of the articles as altered by the order. If the company has already delivered an office copy of the order to the Registrar under another provision of the Companies Ordinance, the company does not need to deliver an office copy of the order again.