Documents Required for Account Opening–Limited Company Incorporated in Hong Kong
After making an appointment,please bring the following documents tothe designated branchofBank of China (Hong Kong)Limited (the“Bank”)to open an account.
A. Company Registration Documents
□公司註冊證書及其後的公司更改名稱證書(如有)Certificate of Incorporation and subsequent Certificate of change of name, if any
□有效之商業登記證(如適用)Valid Business Registration Certificate(if applicable)
□公司組織章程及大綱Memorandum and Articles of Association (including all up-to-date amendments)
□香港公司註冊處表格FormsofHong Kong CompaniesRegistry
□秘書及董事資料更改通知書(如適用)Certified Form D2B (if applicable)
□出任董事或候補董事職位同意書(如適用)Certified FormD2A (if applicable)
□秘書及董事辭職通知書(如適用)Certified FormD4(if applicable)□周年申報表(如適用)Certified FormAR1(if applicable)
□業務地址證明(如與註冊辦事處地址不同)Business address proof (if different from the registered office address)
□(適用於擔保有限公司)董事證明書(詳附件)(Applicable tothe “Limited by Guarantee Company”) Director’s Certificate(Please refer to the attachment)
B.Documents of at least two Directors (the Sole Director if the Company has only 1Director), Principal Shareholders (those who can exercise or control the exercise of 10%or more of the voting rights of the Company or its parent company) and all authorised signatories
- 身份證明文件Identification document
- 前用姓名/別名證明(如有) Proof of former / other name(s) (if any)
- 國籍證明,例如:護照(如非持有香港永久居民身份證) Proof of nationality,e.g. passport (if a person is not holding a Hong KongPermanent Identity Card)
- 現居住址證明(例如:最近三個月內之政府機構、公共事業機構或銀行發出備有客戶姓名及地址資料之單據文件,如:水費單、電費單、煤氣單、差餉單、電話費單、由受規管金融機構發出的結單等) Current Residentialaddress proof (e.g. documents with name and address issued by governmentalauthorities within 3 months, utility bill issued within 3 months or statementissued by financial institutions within 3 months, etc.)
- 長期居留地址證明(如與現居住址不同)Permanentaddress proof (if differentfrom current residential address)
股東總人數 Number ofShareholders:________________
董事總人數 Number of Directors:________________
被授權簽字人總人數 Number of authorisedsignatories:________________
C.Documents of the Company’s Corporate Directors/Corporate Shareholders (if applicable)
□其董事議決及議決委派之代表出席辦理開戶ItsBoardResolutionappointing a representative or representatives to act for the CorporateDirector andpresentat the Bankfor account opening
□其公司登記文件(請參考上列甲項) Its Company’s RegistrationDocuments (please refer to item A above)
□其主要股東/最終實益擁有人(個人)須出席辦理開戶及提供上列乙項之文件ItsPrincipalShareholders /Beneficial Owners (the privateindividual(s)) must presentat the Bankfor account openingand provide thedocuments listedin item Babove
1.最少1位董事必須在開立戶口時出席本行分行。At leastonedirector must presentat the Bankforaccount opening.
2.所有提交本行的文件副本必須經由下列人士簽證為真確的副本及見證簽署開戶文件︰All submitted copies of documents to the bank must be certified as true copies of the originals by and anyaccount opening documents must also be witnessed by:
或Arecognizedcertified public accountant / lawyer / banker / notary public ; or
香港特許秘書公會會員﹔或Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries(HKICS) member; or
任何中銀香港職員。Bank of China (Hong Kong)staff.
3.建議格式︰證明人必須在文件副本上簽署及註明日期(在簽名下面清楚地以正楷註明全名),並清楚地表明他/她的職位。證明人必須證明這是真確的副本(或相近意思的句子)及註明頁數,以及見證有關人士簽署開戶文件。Recommended Format: Certifier must sign and date the copy document (printing his/her nameclearly incapitals underneath) and clearly indicate his/her position on it. Certifier must state that it is a true copy ofthe original (or words to similar effect) and the number of pages to be recorded. Inaddition, the relatedparties who sign the account opening form are witnessed by the certifier
4.除上述文件外,如有需要,本行會要求客戶提供其他開戶資料及文件。Apart from documents listedabove, we may further request you to provideother informationand documentsrequired for accountopening,if necessary.