your bank commission of USD12.00
This is a charge of your bank to you that is their service ( handling charge ) fee to credit the arrived money to your account upon receiving USD3,600.00 from Bank Of America.
There should be appeared USD 3,600.00 receiving & their charges detail on your bank statement.
We paid USD45.00 for the remittance fee of this particular case to BOA ( other than USD 3,600 ) to credit your bank in full --- this fee is our business expense.
Therefore, this USD 12.00 is your business expense of your banking affairs, and
not an item that we take care of.
Please make this item clear for mutual understanding of each party at this time even though it is a small bucks as we( you & us ) will have many business & T/T transaction after
Our accounting dept. want to fix it at this time of beginning stage as all of our
China business correspondents are doing in this way because it is fair & reasonable in commercial practice, and also is a common sense.