离岸快车老师们,早!有个问题要请教:有批货有1%的备品(免费的),出口做商业发票的时候怎么做? 我写低了单价发CI给客户看,他说他们多付款了。。我这么跟客户解释可以吗?↓
Dear Jose,
Cristina paid the right amount.
I revised unit price of the products because there are 20pcs FOC repeaters. If we write the true unit price, the total amount on the commercial invoice both by air and by ship will be higher then your real payment. In this situation, our customers usually ask us to reduce the unit price on CI. So I did it and sent the CI for your checking. If it is NOT OK for you, please kindly tell us your requirements, we will update and sent it to you.
Thanks and regards,