赞同来自: sukeyuky 、CZ海业 、Line1 、ANGOOD
1、成立为法团的周年日翌日起计超过42天但不超过3个月罚款HKD 870元
2、成立为法团的周年日翌日起计超过3个月但不超过6个月罚款HKD 1,740元
3、成立为法团的周年日翌日起计超过6个月但不超过9个月罚款HKD 2,610元
4、 成立为法团的周年日翌日起计超过9个月但不超过12个月罚款HKD 3,480元
赞同来自: ANGOOD
如在由成立为公司的周年日翌日起计超过42 天但不超过3个月 罚款金额HK$870。
如在由成立为公司的周年日翌日起计超过3个月但不超过6个月 罚款金额HK$1,740。
如在由成立为公司的周年日翌日起计超过6个月但不超过9个月 罚款金额HK$2,610。
如在由成立为公司的周年日翌日起计超过9个月 罚款金额HK$3,480。
Hong Kong Cmpany Annual Return Consequences
1.Consequences of or Late Delivery
Companies have to pay higher registration fees for late delivery of Annual Returns for registration.For a local private company, the registration fee payable for the late delivery of an Annual Return is:
If the Annual Return is delivered: HK$
more than 42 days after but within 3 months after the company’s return date
more than 3 months after but within 6 months after the company’s return date
more than 6 months after but within 9 months after the company’s return date
more than 9 months after the company’s return date
The company’s return date is the anniversary of the date of the company’s incorporation in a year.
In addition, according to section 662 of the Companies Ordinance, if a company fails to comply with the provision, the company and every responsible person of the company are liable to prosecution and, if convicted, default fines. The maximum penalty is HK$50,000 for each breach and, in the case of a continuing offence, a daily default fine of HK$1,000.